Article 1: Object

These terms and conditions of use provide a legal framework for the use of the services of this website (hereinafter referred to as "the website"). Being a contract between Addoha Group’s subsidiaries and the user, access to the website must be preceded by accepting the terms and conditions. Access to the platform means accepting these terms and conditions of use. 

Article 2

The company DOUJA PROMOTION GROUPE ADDOHA Côte d’Ivoire, public company with a chief executive and a capital amounting to FCFA2,500,000,000, having its headquarters in Abidjan-Locodjro and registered in trade register under No. CI-ABJ-2012-B-4358,

The company DOUJA PROMOTION GROUPE ADDOHA SENEGAL SA, public company with a chief executive and a capital amounting to FCFA10,000,000, registered in trade register under No. SN DKR 2014, having its headquarters in DAKAR (SENEGAL) AMITIE II VILLA 4049,

The company DOUJA PROMOTION GROUPE ADDOHA GUINEE SA, public company with a chief executive and a capital amounting to GNF1,104,840,000, registered in trade register under No. GC-KAL- M2/080.188/2017, having its headquarters in Conakry (Guinea) KM4 Coleah Cité Police, commune de MATAM, BP 1775, Republic of Guinea,

The company DOUJA PROMOTION GROUPE ADDOHA LIMITED ACCRA, registered in trade register under No. CS015252020, having its headquarters in ACCRA,

The company DOUJA PROMOTION GROUPE ADDOHA TOGO SAU, single-person public company, registered in trade register under No. TG-LFW-01-2022-B15-00008, having its headquarters in Lomé (TOGO) HEDZRANNAWOE, 

The website is published, edited and managed by the company Gear9, domiciliated at 219 Bd Zerktouni- Casablanca, registered in trade register under No. 423763, Tax ID: 33634559, Social Security (CNSS): 1538336, Unified Business ID: 002193506000046, Business Tax: 35700809. 

Articles 3: Website Access website provides to the user free access to our services. The website provides the following services: 

The residential communities of ADDOHA brand. 

Access to the website is free from anywhere for any user with internet access. The user shall bear all the costs connected to accessing the service (hardware, software, internet access, etc.). 

Article 4: Data Collection

Data collected at are subject to processing for the purpose of marketing real estate properties and services connected thereto. 

Pursuant to law No. 09-08 promulgated by Royal Decree No. 1-09-15 of Safar 22, 1430 (February 18, 2009), relating to personal data protection, you have the right to access and rectify your details, which you may exercise by contacting: Mr. Alaoui Abdesselam – Direction IT – Groupe Addoha, Km 7 Route de Rabat Ain Sebaa- Casablanca. 

You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of your data.

This processing was the subject to a request for authorization from the CNDP (The National Commission of Personal Data Protection). 

Article 5: Intellectual Property

Trademarks, logos, signs and all site content (text, images, sound, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code. Addoha brand is a registered trademark. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total use of this trademark, of any nature whatsoever, is totally prohibited.

The user must request prior authorization from the website for any reproduction, publication or copying of various content. The user accepts to use the content of the website in a strictly private context; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly prohibited. 

Any representation, in whole or in part, of this website by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of the website operator, constitutes an infringement punishable under articles L335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. 

Pursuant to article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, any user who reproduces, copies or publishes any content protected by copyright must indicate the author and the source.

Article 6: Liability 

The sources of the information published on website are deemed reliable, but the website does not guarantee that the information is free of defects, errors or omissions. 

The provided information is for informational purposes only and is not contractually binding. Despite regular updates, website cannot be held liable for any changes in administrative or legal provisions occurring after publication.

Similarly, the website cannot be held liable for the use and interpretation of the information contained in this website.

The website cannot be held liable for any viruses that may infect the internet user’s computer or any other hardware of the Internet user, following use, access or downloading from this website. 

The website’s liability cannot be invoked in the event of force majeure or unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party.

Article 7: Pricing and Reservation 

The Company shall reserve the right to modify its prices at any time, but the product will be invoiced on the basis of the applicable price at the time of confirmation of the order and subject to availability. 

Payment of the reservation amount is made by credit card through the secure system of The Monetary Interbanking Center (CMI). Transaction fees shall be borne by the user. 

The reserved property remain in the company’s ownership until the contract is signed. 

Any reservation made on this website implies the acceptance of these general terms and conditions. Any confirmation of an order implies the full acceptance of these terms and conditions of sale, without any exception or reservation.

Article 8: Hyperlinks 

Hyperlinks may be present on the website.   

The user is informed that by clicking on these hyperlinks, he or she will leave the website The latter does not have any control over the web pages to which these links lead and cannot, under any circumstances, be held liable for the content of these web pages. 

Article 9: Cookies

The user is informed that when he or she visits the website, a cookie may be automatically installed on her or his browser. Cookies are small files temporarily stored by your browser on the hard disk of your computer and are necessary for the use of website.  Cookies do not contain any personal data and cannot be used to identify anyone.   

A cookie contains a unique identifier that is randomly generated and therefore anonymous.    Some cookies expire at the end of the user's visit, while others remain.  Data contained in cookies are used to improve the website. By browsing the website, the user accepts cookies.

However, the user must consent to the use of certain cookies.  Failure to provide consent, the user is informed that certain features or pages may be denied to him or her.  The user may deactivate these cookies using the settings in his or her browser.

ARTICLE 10: Applicable law and jurisdiction

This contract is subject to Moroccan law. In the event that a dispute between the parties cannot be settled by amicable agreement, the Commercial Court of Casablanca shall have sole jurisdiction.

For any question relating to the application of these general terms and conditions, you may contact the publisher at the address in Article 1.